Olive Osmond Hearing Fund Team

Justin Osmond
Founder & CEO
Justin Osmond, the second son of Merrill & Mary Osmond, was born with a profound sensorial-neural hearing loss. Diagnosed at the age of two, he finally got to hear life’s precious sounds for the first time.
After 12 years of intense speech and listening therapy, Justin can speak with passion and hear with conviction, while motivating and encouraging others with hearing impairments to achieve their dreams.
Justin’s journey to better hearing had many obstacles and challenges that represented stumbling blocks, despair, and lack of hope. But his will-power, determination, desire, and hope surpassed all hurdles that stood in his way.
Despite the inevitable, and with a 90% hearing loss, he went on to play the violin, viola, piano, and drums. Justin has received numerous awards, such as the prestigious Sterling scholarship in music, academic scholarships, honorary achievements, and many athletic titles in soccer, football, basketball, and track. He is also proud to represent the Boy Scouts of America as an Eagle Scout, and he currently has his Masters in Business Administration (MBA).
Justin served for 11 years as a public relations, board member, and spokesperson for the Starkey Hearing Foundation, providing hearing help to children worldwide. He traveled the world with one objective in mind: To leave Better Hearing Smiles behind.

Kristi Osmond
Chief Operating Officer
Kristi is originally from Lake Powell, AZ (ok, technically Page, AZ). She came from a family with 6 kids, and she loves and respects each of them and loves spending time with them.
Her background is in various businesses, including financial services, real estate development, medical equipment, and sales. She also co-invented a swimwear accessory, so she has an array of interests that help her bring all those skills to the OOHF. She enjoys working with people and problem-solving. Challenges are just opportunities for growth, and she loves learning new things. Recently, being asked to be COO for the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund allows Kristi to work in a field she is passionate about as she is married to Justin, who has a hearing loss, as well as having two sisters who are each deaf in one ear.
So, being able to serve this community and work with so many great volunteers has been heart-warming and so rewarding. She is grateful for this experience.

Debbie Meyfohrt
Executive Director - New York Chapter
In 2014 Debbie's son Kyle needed a new pair of hearing aids. His pair of aids at the time were twelve years old and were far behind current technology. New York State insurance companies do not cover the cost of hearing aids for children, and there are no means of funding or grants for children’s hearing aids.
She came across a book by Marie Osmond, where Marie talked about her two older brothers that were born with hearing loss. The book mentioned the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund (OOHF) and Debbie contacted them for information. Within three months, Kyle had brand new top of the line hearing aids at no cost to his family.
The Meyfohrt family were invited to attend the annual fundraiser that raised the money for Kyle’s aids in New Jersey. Kyle decided he wanted to raise money to donate that night. His goal was to raise $250.00, within two weeks he raised $1,015.00. The night of the event he presented it to Justin and Kristi Osmond. The Meyfohrt family decided they wanted to host a fundraiser in New York to benefit the OOHF.
Debbie reached out to the Speech and Hearing Center located at Northwell LIJ Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York. The response she received from them made her realize she was headed in the right direction to start making opportunities available to New York families.
In 2016, with Debbie and her son Kyle's hard efforts, NYS Assembly passed a resolution to declare May 29th as the first Hearing Aid Awareness Day in New York State.
After hosting fundraisers each year since 2016, Justin Osmond and the Meyfohrt family felt it was time to team up to form the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund New York Chapter in 2020. To date, over 500 children globally have received hearing aids from the NY Chapter.

Shane Osmond
President & Chairman
Shane Osmond, the third son of Merrill Osmond, brings a diverse background to the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund, where he has played a significant role in the growth of the foundation.
Shane recently graduated from Western Governors University with his MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree. Shane has also worked in the telecom and healthcare industries, providing each industry with marketing, sales, and customer service expertise. Aside from the management & corporate world, Shane has the heart of a philanthropist and enjoys his profession the most when in the service of others.
He strives to live by his personal motto, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Doug Solstad
Chief Financial Officer
Doug is passionate about helping people. As the owner of a tax and accounting firm, his professional background gives him a breadth of knowledge and skills that he uses to help his clients navigate the tax and business world. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed in the state of Utah and a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Utah Association of CPAs. He has also earned the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation. After attending Dixie College (now Dixie State University), Doug received a Master of Accountancy degree with High Distinction from Southern Utah University.
Doug's second daughter was born with a 65% hearing loss. After wearing the same set of hearing aids for many years, she was the recipient of new aids from the OOHF. This generosity sparked a desire, and when offered the opportunity to serve the OOHF, Doug jumped at the chance. In addition to serving the OOHF, he has served in leadership positions for numerous boards and organizations in Washington County.
Doug’s greatest priority is his wife and five children. If he isn’t with family or working, he is probably busy serving.

Shane Osmond
President & Chairman
Shane Osmond, the third son of Merrill Osmond, brings a diverse background to the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund, where he has played a significant role in the growth of the foundation.
Shane recently graduated from Western Governors University with his MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree. Shane has also worked in the telecom and healthcare industries, providing each industry with marketing, sales, and customer service expertise. Aside from the management & corporate world, Shane has the heart of a philanthropist and enjoys his profession the most when in the service of others.
He strives to live by his personal motto, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Merrill Osmond
Vice President
Merrill has performed throughout the world in many major venues and has produced and written the music and lyrics for 5 number one hit records.
He went on to become Executive Producer of the Donny and Marie Show, The Osmond Family Show and numerous other series and specials for network television and syndication. Merrill is Patron of The Hearing Fund UK, founded by his son Justin, and produces their Gala annually.

Mary Osmond
Mary Osmond

Vickie Wartman
Here 2 Hear Programs Director
Vickie is the programs director for the Here 2 Hear organization.

Doug Solstad
Chief Financial Officer
Doug is passionate about helping people. As the owner of a tax and accounting firm, his professional background gives him a breadth of knowledge and skills that he uses to help his clients navigate the tax and business world. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed in the state of Utah and a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Utah Association of CPAs. He has also earned the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation. After attending Dixie College (now Dixie State University), Doug received a Master of Accountancy degree with High Distinction from Southern Utah University.
Doug's second daughter was born with a 65% hearing loss. After wearing the same set of hearing aids for many years, she was the recipient of new aids from the OOHF. This generosity sparked a desire, and when offered the opportunity to serve the OOHF, Doug jumped at the chance. In addition to serving the OOHF, he has served in leadership positions for numerous boards and organizations in Washington County.
Doug’s greatest priority is his wife and five children. If he isn’t with family or working, he is probably busy serving.