"Thank you for the amazing gift of hearing you have given our son Kyle. Having a child with a hearing issues has not always been easy, but having people like you helps to pave the road for our son. Kyle was born with hearing loss from complication during birth, after years of struggles his positive attitude towards life has always been amazing. The gift that you have provided for Kyle is one that our family will never forget. May God bless you always! With much gratitude and love."
Kurt, Debbie & Kyle M. (NY)
“We love the theme of the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund of “Bringing Music to Your Ears” because Jensen loves music and rhythm! We were told he wouldn’t be able to sing or have pitch. However, he CAN sing AND has pitch – he has an amazing voice and loves to sing in the choir!”
Aneisa P. - Mother of Jensen P. (UT)
“No words can express my feelings, you guys are blessing so many lives!! A teacher mentioned how her speech improved even in such a short amount of time. Again, no words. I go to bed with a full and grateful heart. My daughter is hearing new sounds, even now has a favorite song!! I feel as though I am speechless but knowing a miracle when I see it. Thank you for this service I will forever be grateful."
Charlotte K. - Mother of Breeanna (UT)
“John has received his hearing aids. After 7 months [Since the Oklahoma tornado] he has a little bit of normalcy back in his life. Our gratitude is beyond a simple "thank you". Your foundation has made his life better. In our 40 years of marriage this has been our most difficult and emotional time. Thank you and God bless."
John & Karen W. (OK)
"How grateful I am that he has hearing aids, to not only hear his cousin's laughter, but his own. What would it be like for my sweet grandson who LOVES to sing so loud and proud if he couldn't hear his own voice? I couldn't imagine him not being able to hear that laughter and the music he loves so much. I am so deeply grateful for the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund and what it does for kids like my amazing grandson, Brennen. Thank you "